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Mathias, Jörg (2017). Reforming the Swedish employment-related social security system:activation, administrative modernization and strengthening local autonomy. Regional and federal studies, 27 (1), pp. 23-39.
Mathias, Jörg (2003). Farewell, welfare state – hello, welfare regions? Chances and constraints of welfare management in the German federal system. German Politics, 12 (3), pp. 35-65.
Mathias, Jörg (2003). A new departure for Wales:devolution and regional economic development. Foedus (7), pp. 19-37.
Book Section
Mathias, Jörg (2001). Wales als assoziiertes Mitglied der "Vier Motoren". IN: Baden-Württemberg und seine Partnerregionen. Fischer, T and Frech, S (eds) Kohlhammer.
Conference or Workshop Item
Mathias, Jörg (2016). The local dimension of employment-related welfare policy in Germany, England and Sweden. IN: Political Economy in an Age of Great Uncertainty. University of Sheffield, 2016-07-04 - 2016-07-06.