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Up a levelBurke, Gary Thomas, Omidvar, Omid, Spanellis, Agnessa and Pyrko, Igor (2022). Making Space for Garbage Cans:How emergent groups organize social media spaces to orchestrate widescale helping in a crisis. Organization studies ,
Omidvar, Omid, Safavi, Mehdi and Glaser, Vern (2022). Algorithmic routines and dynamic inertia: How organizations avoid adapting to changes in the environment. Journal of Management Studies , pp. 1-33.
Ziaee Bigdeli, Ali, Kapoor, Kawaljeet, Schroeder, Andreas and Omidvar, Omid (2021). Exploring the root causes of servitization challenges:an organisational boundary perspective. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 41 (5), pp. 547-573.
Banda, Geoffrey, Mittra, James, Tait, Joyce, Watkins, Andrew and Omidvar, Omid (2021). Understanding the emergence and evolution of new business models in the UK regenerative medicine sector. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 33 (3), pp. 320-333.
Schroeder, Andreas, Beltagui, Ahmad, Shi, Victor Guang, Kandemir, Cansu, Omidvar, Omid, Yang, Miying, Hughes, Ruby and Wasserbauer, Raphael (2020). Digital twin for Advanced Service delivery systems: Opportunities and challenges. IN: EurOMA Conference 2020. University of Warwick, 2020-06-29 - 2020-06-30.
Galalae, Cristina, Emontspool, Julie and Omidvar, Omid (2019). Culinary communication practices:The role of retail spaces in producing field-specific cultural capital. IN: Research in Consumer Behavior. Bajde, Domen; Kjeldgaard, Dannie and Belk, Russell W. (eds) Research in Consumer Behavior . Emerald.
Omidvar, Omid, Edler, Jakob and Malik, Khaleel (2017). Development of absorptive capacity over time and across boundaries: The case of R&D consortia. Long Range Planning, 50 (5), pp. 665-683.
Safavi, Mehdi and Omidvar, Omid (2016). Resist or Comply:The Power Dynamics of Organizational Routines during Mergers. British Journal of Management, 27 (3), pp. 550-566.
Omidvar, Omid and Kislov, Roman (2013). The Evolution of the Communities of Practice Approach:Toward Knowledgeability in a Landscape of Practice—An Interview with Etienne Wenger-Trayner. Journal of Management Inquiry, 23 (3), pp. 266-275.